The Kareski Foundation is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, a New Jersey entity dedicated to helping individuals relieve their financial debt due to medical expenses. We envision a community in which everyone can get the health care they need. The inability to pay for essential medical care is a problem for the uninsured people, as well as, people who have health insurance. Rising deductibles, premiums and co-insurance prevents many individuals from being able to afford the critical treatment they need. We want to help people get the proper treatment and medications by paying for their out-of-pocket costs and advocating for a more affordable healthcare.

About Us

Our Mission

The Kareski Foundation is devoted to helping individuals who are struggling with medical debt due to financial challenges.​

United Macedonian Diaspora and Ajvar5K are honored to present the partner organization for Ajvar5K 2017, the Kareski Foundation. Please visit their website, to learn more about them.